What to do when your mother has a birthday, but you can not bring her fresh flowers to hospital?
Narediš rožice, seveda! In ker je že skoraj pomlad, so na vrsti tulipani.
Make your own flowers, of course. And because it's almost spring, there are tulips.
Tukaj so navodila, izgleda pa vse skupaj takole:
Pri SimonSaysStamp Challenge želijo videti karkoli razen kartice, upam da bo veljalo, če ni nič "poštemplano" :)
At SimonSaysStamp the challenge is Anything but a card, and I hope it is ok, because nothing is stamped here :)
Pri Everybody-Art-challenge je tema valentinovo. mislim, da paše, čeprav niso srčki.
At Everybody-art-challenge the theme is Valentine. I think it fits, even if it's not hearts.
I'll also submit it to the papercubed february challenge
O, kako krasna ideja!
OdgovoriIzbrišiKrasno si tole izpeljala. Mamo boš s cvetjem razveselila in ji polepšala bolnišnične dneve. Lp
OdgovoriIzbrišiKrasen pomladni šopek!
OdgovoriIzbrišiWhat a fabulous creation, beautifully made tulips and such wonderful colours and great jute basket.
OdgovoriIzbrišiSo glad you could join us at the Simon Says stamp challenge,
Heather xx
Your tulips are gorgeous.
Točno ta tutorial sem zadnjič gledala, pa se mi je zdel tako kompliciran! Res si jih lepo spravila v življenje!